For all you bloggers, authors and readers out there being asked to specifically read and review a book by the author is nerve racking!
Will I like it?
Is it my kind of book?
What will I say if I dislike it?
I'm sure everyone understands that each book can't be catered to everyone's tastes and someone is bound to give a negative review. I just never want that person to be me. But I wont stop reviewing books or taking requests just because I'm a chicken! So I'll always man up lol.
PS don't think I'm harping on like this because I disliked this book!!!
Anyhew..................... on to the book.
Without End - Synopsis

At the center of the revival are four tattooed and pierced-clad beasts of sex personified, and owners of the Mel/Rose Barbershop.
As Los Angeles’ quintessential sex doctor and popular radio personality, Claudette has enough confidence to steamroll the strongest of men. Dino Pantopoulos is happy to have his life flattened by the beautiful and sassy, French therapist.
Claudette’s atypical research techniques leave Dino wondering how to tame her, and Dino’s overbearing Greek mother has Claudette’s Freudian radar on high alert.
Claudette isn't about to alter her research or her sexual proclivities for anyone. But Dino’s mastery of sensual conquest has Claudette rethinking her relationship priorities.
Dino’s unrelenting charm weakens Claudette’s quest for self-preservation. As sparks settle from the couple’s emotional and explosive courtship, a tragedy threatens to destroy their newfound happiness.
Will Claudette survive and keep her promise to love Dino Without End?
Without End is a standalone novel, brimming with quick wit, charm, and unforgettable characters. It is the first of four books in the Melrose Shops series; one book for each of the sensual beasts waiting to claim your heart. This book will steam up your windows and intended for adults only.
UK LINK -Without End: A Melrose Shops Novel
US LINK -Without End: A Melrose Shops Novel
Rachel's Review
I accepted to review this book before I'd read the synopsis. I prefer it. I'm not going to judge it or see if it measures up to my picky tendencies.
I realised after a couple of chapters that I had a huge smile on my face.
This book is genuinely funny. And a few times I laughed so loud I thought I'd woken my son.
Occasionally I read books whilst I'm in the gym. In fact I wrote part of this blog post on one of the bikes. But that's multi tasking for you. Any way I only say that because the bloke next to me looked at me funny when I burst out laughing.
I loved most of the sex scenes also. There wasn't too much. My only quibble in the whole book was the use of the term 'love muscle'. I may have cringed slightly lol.
I'm really excited to read the rest of the series and I hope the author would be happy to let me even have a sneaky peek before to release date. But we can all live in hope.
Rachel's rating
Would have been a 5 but it's never appropriate to use the term 'love muscle' so 4.99 lol. ****