Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Beta - Jasinda Wilder

I'd been waiting (not so patiently) for Beta to come out. This book follows on from Alpha, please take the time to read my review here, one of the best books I've ever read. It was completely different to anything I'd read so far and I loved it. I spread the Alpha love far and wide. Any chance I got I would book push and wax lyrical about it. In fact it was the first ever book I reviewed on my blog. I think I was the book that pushed my colleagues over the edge and they convinced me to spend any spare time I got writing reviews and tweeting!

Now? Beta? SO. MUCH. MORE. AWESOME!!!!!! 

Beta - Jasinda Wilder


Roth and I are on an open-ended tour of the world. Roth being Roth, this means missionary in Morocco, reverse cowgirl in Calcutta, bent over the bow of a houseboat in Hanoi, slow and sleepy on St. John. Anywhere and everywhere, in every conceivable position, and some I didn't know were possible.

Life was pretty incredible.

Until I woke up in his chateau in France, alone. On the bed next to me was a note. There were only four words:

He belongs to me.

UK  Link: Beta (ALPHA)

US Link: Beta (ALPHA)

Rachel's Review

I've thought carefully about my review. I didn't want to write this half-cocked and off the cuff, just because I was excited to get all my feelings out. So.....yes Mr Ignored has heard about my feelings about this book and yes my colleagues are now ignoring me. But I only started speaking to people after this sign had been up on my door...........
.............had a calm down, then I couldn't shut up about it. 

I must take my hat off to Jasinda Wilder for being able to not only best Alpha but blow it out the water. 

First off, I love the passion between the two characters. I always have. Not only the passion but the emotion. I'm there with both of them, rooting for them and hoping they'll be able to come through, together. 

Second, I love how this surpassed my expectations of what the book was going to be like. FAR SURPASSED. 

Thirdly, the storyline, no spoilers, was superb! I was left stunned, shocked, astounded and many many other emotions as well.

To anyone just about to read this book, find a cave or somewhere no one will find you, settle in, get comfy and do not move until you have finished! I promise you will not be disappointed! 

Rachel's Rating.

Only one other book has ever earn't my utter devotion and awarded 6 stars, but today I making it two.

For pure brilliance and for rocking my world 6 STARS ******

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