The Contract
The way I met Dante wasn’t ordinary.
What I was employed to do for him wasn’t romantic.
His job was even more strange.
I fell for a man I hated…
With a passion.
I became someone I hated in the process…
A Mistress.
Only with guts, patience and determination did I survive.
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Rachel's Review
I love Sarah's style of writing. Be it a devastating dark romance that ruins your heart, an erotic love story or an erotic thriller she never disappoints. I loved this book. I hated Dante though. Still do. (mutters stupid Dante type words). I actually though 'how dare he!!!' a few times as well. Dante is such a complicated character and I look forward to maybe changing my mind about him in the next book, but he'll have to do a lot to change my mind.
I do believe I read this book in one sitting. It was riveting and had me sucked in from the start. The synopsis does nothing to warn you of the delights this book gives you, and give you it does, in bucket loads.
Being an SML book i had high expectations and she totally smashed them. I'm waiting with baited breath for the next book.
Rachel's Rating
5 Stars *****
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